Loan Origination Without Complexity

Unlock efficiency with tools tailored for your business.

Drag and drop field editor to customize your loan app

Customize Loan Applications

Easily design forms that reflect the needs of your lending business and embed them into your website.

Quickly compare loan products to find the best fit

Create & Compare Loan Products

Create a variety of loan products with distinct details, documents, and fee structures. Then, easily compare products and terms side-by-side to see which is most attractive for your borrower and your business margins.

Share a term sheet in minutes

Issue Term Sheets in Minutes

Create beautiful, customized quotes with just a few clicks. Share quotes directly through Baseline, then easily convert into a loan when ready.

Enable document creation in the click of a button

Redefine Document Generation

Using standard or custom templates, Baseline enables document production at the click of a few buttons. Minimal manual input, reduced errors, and no unnecessary admin.

Collect documents in a central hub

Transform Document Collection

With a centralized collection hub and automatic notifications, document collection is smooth for you and your borrowers. Plus, get concise summaries of every document uploaded with Baseline’s AI functionality.

Explore More


Pricing plans are based on active loan volume. All plans are month to month for ultimate flexibility.

Capital Management

Raise capital for your real estate private lending business efficiently and effectively with Baseline.

Peer Interviews

Discover what lending experts are thinking about and listen to their experiences.